Monday, September 12, 2011

Equipment for investigating nanoparticle production

Analyzer to determine the size distribution of a particle, either diluted or suspended with a highly sensitive detector, known as Light scattering, and a centrifuge are two of the technological equipment obtained by the National Engineering University (UNI) and allowing the investigation nanoparticle production at commercial level in Peru.

These machines were purchased with cofinancing of $ 45,000 Equipment Contest Science and Technology organized by the Science and Technology FINCyT, attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), in agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (BID).

The direct beneficiaries of this equipment were members of Nanostructured Materials Group (GMN), Faculty of Sciences of the UNI, composed of physicists, chemists and engineers who work on multidisciplinary projects-oriented laboratory for new materials, self-cleaning surfaces , new treatments for cancer, solar cells, fuel cells, sensors, pigments, catalysts, among others.

Obtaining results within minutes
The project coordinator, physicist Walter Estrada Lopez said before we have this equipment, the process of analyzing the samples could take up to several months, but with the new equipment over time has been reduced to minutes.

He reported that the country has around 60 experts in nanoparticles, working in laboratories Trujillo, Arequipa and Lima, and this number sufficient given the potential it represents to Peru the aim to research and nanoscale exports to stop being a primary exporter of minerals.

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