Intel announced a breakthrough in the basic structure of the transistor, which is the microscopic block is built with modern electronics. For the first time since its invention more than 50 years, silicon transistors are built using a revolutionary design in three dimensions, called Tri-Gate, unveiled by Intel in 2002 and will begin to manufacture in large quantities by the end of this year in the 22 nanometer node (nm) on an Intel chip codenamed Ivy Bridge. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter.
Tri-dimensional transistors Gate represent a fundamental shift in relation to the flat structure of the transistors in two dimensions, technology has been used not only in computers and phones, but in electronic controls for vehicles, spacecraft, electronics, medical devices among others.
Apple fourth-generation iMac
With quad-core processors, it is up to 70 percent faster new graphics and triple the performance of the previous generation.
Apple announced the new generation of iMac with two new models with screens of 21.5 and 27 inches of glass, quad-core technology, E / S Thunderbolt high speed and a new HD camera for video calls FaceTime. The new iMac is up to 70 percent faster new graphics and triple the performance of previous generation quad-core processors to further improve the best desktop computer in the world.
The new iMac Intel Core quad-core i5, with the option for the customer to opt for Core i7 processors to 3.4 GHz These next generation processors feature an integrated memory controller, and a new multimedia engine video encoding and decoding.
RIM: New Facebook Application
Following the success of the Facebook application for BlackBerry smartphones, Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq: RIMM TSX: RIM) today announced Facebook for BlackBerry playbook - a new application that provides the most popular Facebook features optimized for the screen 7-inch LCD high-resolution multi-touch tablet of PlayBook.
Facebook for BlackBerry Playbook provides highly attractive user experience by integrating familiar Facebook features and functionality including:
View and add friends.
Enjoy a perfect view of photos and videos
Connect with friends using Facebook Chat - users can enjoy a joint hearing on the display PlayBook of contacts connected and active conversations.
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