Monday, September 12, 2011

Inca Archaeology

Found 370 Inca chullpas
Archaeologists found 370 Peruvian Inca chullpas in an area of ​​difficult access Chumbivilcas province, Cusco region. The site contains funerary structures, with burial in niches painted red and white. In addition to the chullpas, made in clay or stone was found a pit, where they have found bones, skulls, pottery fragmented, weaving and vegetable fibers.

Maya city located with GPS
In Guatemala, a group of archaeologists found a Mayan city hidden in the jungle by a three dimensional mapping using GPS and electronic measurements. They were found a hundred old buildings hidden for eight centuries, have been inhabited by some 2,000 people. The city grew from 600 BCE and 900 A.D.

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